Genioplasty in Providence, UT
Facial contours can be unsatisfactory due to injury, congenital defects, or poor definition. Chin implants can be inserted through a small incision on the inside of the lower lip or under the chin.
Implants are pliable and can be silicone or mesh-like implant. They can provide more permanent symmetry, shape, definition, and contour of the lower jaw.
Surgery is performed in the OR, stitches are removed at 7 days and activity restrictions are in place for 3-4 weeks. Pain, bruising, swelling can make the skin look shiny, but as the area heals it will become softer and more natural-looking.
Schedule your Genioplasty consultation today or by calling 435-753-7880.
Pre-Operative Genioplasty Instructions
Wear loose fitting clothing, a shirt that can easily fit over the head or be button up the front and comfortable pants.
DO NOT wear jewelry, makeup, lotions, oils or perfumes the day of your surgery. It is best to shower/bathe thoroughly the morning of surgery.
DO NOT take aspirin or aspirin based products for 2 weeks prior to surgery. DO NOT take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products for 1 week prior to surgery. If these are prescribed to you and are medically necessary, please contact our nurse 753-7880 option 4 for medical clearance.
If you are having IV sedation or general anesthesia DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight the night before. If you are taking any maintenance medication (blood pressure, diabetic, heart, etc.) call our nurse 753-7880 option 4 before skipping these doses.
Lab work can be done at the hospital the day of surgery. Women of childbearing age will need to undergo pregnancy testing, if positive, your surgery will be cancelled and a refund will be issued by our office.
Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
You must have a ride home.
You can help reduce the incidence of complications from your surgery. Infections can be reduced by keeping your dressings and wounds clean and dry. Bleeding can be reduced by NOT coughing, stooping, straining or working. Surgery is stressful and usually requires rest, relaxation and good nourishment. If you use tobacco products please stop prior to surgery and do not resume 3-4 weeks after surgery. If someone if your home smokes, please ask them to step outside. Second-hand smoke can inhibit the healing process as much as smoking yourself.
Post-Operative Genioplasty Instructions
If you are prescribed narcotics, DO NOT drive while taking narcotics for pain until you can been off of them for 24 hours. Take medications as needed not to exceed directions on the prescription. If rash, vomiting, or nausea persist, discontinue and call our office. DO NOT add Tylenol into your pain management if your narcotic already had Tylenol in it.
Tylenol and Ibuprofen can be dosed (if not contraindicated) in an alternating fashion controlling most post-operative pain.
Drink plenty of fluids after your surgery and advance diet as tolerated.
DO NOT stoop, strain, or lift more than 10 pounds for 2 weeks.
You may use clean, moist gauze to pat surgical site.
You may place frozen peas or corn into a plastic bag to apply a cold compress intermittently for the first 24 hours.
DO NOT shower for 24 hours.
DO NOT submerge surgical site for 4 weeks.
Sutures are usually removed 7 days after your surgery.
Swelling and bruising can take 2-4 weeks to resolve. Some areas may have numbness and tingling for months. With time the incisions will fade. Protect new scars for 6 months.
Call our office immediately (or get ahold of our on call doctor after hours) for purulent drainage, reddened skin around surgical site, fever, sudden increase in pain, sudden increase in bruising, or uncontrolled bleeding.